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Tarun Marya (Farmer Runi) of Luna Vez Farm

Our 35th @realfarmercare recipient - Tarun Marya (Farmer Runi) of Luna Vez Farm @lunavezfarm in Los Altos Hills, CA.

Runi writes, “My idea for farmer self-care is a deep tissue massage for 90 minutes! Here at Luna Vez Farm we are on 1.5 acres and grow rare vegetable and herb varieties for a local restaurant Maum @maumpaloalto located in Palo Alto. We also raise chickens and ducks for egg and meat production. We have a good half of the land in fruit production - from strawberries to fruit and nut trees. My passion is to grow nutritious and delicious food for people. Growing this garden has allowed me to fulfill my passion to grow food and engage with the people around me. My hardships are currently a lack of availability of farmable land in the vicinity of the place I live and for the community for which I provide, and the lack of availability of farmers in the area to help grow more gardens.” #realfarmercare#lunavezfarm


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