The 148th recipients of Real Farmer Care are Margo Candelario, her mother Clarice Scott, and Margo’s daughters Camaryn, Cheyenne, and Trae of Young Female Farmers @youngfemalefarmers in Bishop, Georgia. Margo writes, “Young Female Farmers is a generationally run business that began in 2006. Initially we began as a baking and produce business and have since expanded to include avenues to help the community. We of course have the usual farm offerings like CSA boxes and baked goods for sale, but we also teach classes, ranging in topic from sustainability to tincture making. Additionally, we lecture at universities and conferences about entrepreneurship and “creating your own niche” in business, as well as host farm tours for tourists, organizations, and youth groups. The lessons we’ve learned by being black/Hispanic female business owners in the Deep South are invaluable and we use those lessons to not only further our business, but also to teach others (especially other women and people of color) how to work smarter not necessarily harder in order to achieve your goals.
Mental and physical health maintenance is absolutely mandatory when searching for balance. Balance in plant management, balance in community relations, balance within our personal lives, is what keeps what we do a joy.”