The 174th recipients are sisters Claire Austin and Amanda Brezzell of Fennigan's Farms @fennigansfarms in Detroit, MI.
Claire and Amanda write, “We started Fennigan's Farms to support others in their quest for self and community sufficiency. We do this by setting up greenspaces and growing free produce. When it comes to caring for community, we want to reinvest resources back into the beautiful people that live around us. By stimulating the local economy in a way that is both for and by the folks that live in each community, we can transform the way we look at community care. We can make it more specific to the actual needs of the people.
Our goal with our farm and sustainable agricultural design work is to show others the power of community and all that comes with returning to the land to sustain yourself and those around you.
For us, sustainable agriculture is a vital part of community care. We believe that you deserve sustainable access to fresh food no matter where or who you are.”